Learn How A Comparative Essay Can Be More Effective


Learn How A Comparative Essay Can Be More Effective

When you write a comparative essay, you are actually trying to prove a point with a comparison.  There are many ways essays can be written including descriptive essays, but when you compare two events or arguments and justify any one of them, readers relate more easily to the approach and can easily choose sides. If you manage to convince a majority of the people who read your essay to agree to your point of view through a comparison, you would have succeeded in writing and editing a good essay.

To start with, you need a topic that is recent and which people could relate to easily. As you make a comparison between two different aspects of an event, you are bound to create curiosity among readers, if they are interested in the topic. It is therefore important for you to choose a recent topic that could be open to debate. Readers should be able to indentify both topics easily without referring to any other source of information. Their interest would have been kindled to see your point of view and then decide on the merits of the debate.

As you decide on choosing creative essay titles, choose one which is compelling and tells the whole story about what you wish to convey in one sentence. If you are trying to sell your point of view nothing could be more important as the headline. Readers should be emotionally touched by your headline. It should present exactly what they were looking for when they searched for the topic, probably over the internet. Using creative language is a good sign in this case, but what it vital is the presentation of content, the benefit or information readers would get if they continued to read your essay.

A compare and contrast essay would suggest a debate and once initiated would head towards fulfilling the goal of your thesis statement. Every statement you make, arguments and justifications, should revolve around the thesis statement and how to convince readers to accept your point of view. Placing arguments at the appropriate points throughout the essay and then interlinking them comes easily when you practice this simple approach.  List out points if you feel they would help.

The reason for an essay format is that you can always incorporate a method of writing that is accepted universally. The essays you write then become useful because you have followed a method that is well known and you get practice writing it in this manner. Essay help is always at hand and you can get reference from guides, the internet, and course material given to you while joining the course. Your curriculum guidelines would have specified how you should be writing the essay.

Progression through an essay is then a matter or using your imagination and skill within a format given to you or which is universally followed. Writing a comparative essay is then a matter of how you would place your comments across the essay to convince readers and enable them to make a decision in your favor. This comes with practice and by diligently following up on your essay to see the progress it has made not just to get you good scores but get more readers to read it.

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