A philosophical dissertation is an essay on a topic, either assigned or chosen, where writers present their viewpoints on it. Usually the thesis statement is selected and writers pose essay questions. They then present answers to these questions using arguments based on their logic and philosophical viewpoints. Writers must remember that the dissertation cannot be expository where they just present other writers’ viewpoints. Students would have completed sample essays in class as part of their study program. These topics should not be included either in part of whole. A supervisor is usually appointed to guide and supervise the process of completing the dissertation. Consulting them before starting the dissertation is a good idea. Students would get a fair idea of whether the list of topics chosen was adequate. They would be able to choose the right direction in terms of understanding concepts revolving around a particular topic as well as decide how reference material could be used to defend a philosophical viewpoint.
Students must strive to write a custom essay based on the guidelines prescribed by the supervisor. The topic therefore is of vital importance, if it has to get approval. Once the topic is decided upon, students must conduct an initial research to check out if it is relevant and enough support data is available on it. They must take care to distinguish between a philosophical dissertation and other topics like, for example, sociology coursework. A rough draft can be prepared, and approval taken from the supervisor. On approval, a schedule can be prepared for all aspects of the dissertation. Students have to realize that a dissertation is a lengthy exercise that cannot be completed in one sitting. It takes several sittings extended over the course of the study program before they can successfully complete the dissertation.
The style of writing is very important in a philosophy dissertation. Students should approach the topic with the intention of building on it with convincing arguments, taking care that referential material is not apparent. This is a difficult art which students must try to master. Though they are not expected to perform at the same level as professional researchers in terms of detailing and presentation, the approach should be the same. The study program would provide guidance on how to go about it. Students must also make it a point to seek reference from white papers and studies conducted on the same or similar essay topic. Some publications that cover logical positivism, analytical philosophy, or philosophy of science are The Journal of Philosophy, The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, and The Philosophical Quarterly. Going through such publications and older reference books would help in understanding concepts and how to structure the essay.
Focus on the thesis statement and present your views on it. It is very easy to get carried away and present lengthy support material, which clearly indicate borrowed viewpoints. To avoid this, students must have clear goals. Concentrate on the thesis statement and build a philosophical viewpoint on it. Considerable time should be spent on developing those viewpoints within the assignment with major input from the writers themselves and limited help from reference material.