The essence of writing an arts essay is to express yourself in words either to complement works of art, to explain or review concepts that would help connoisseurs of art. It is sometimes not possible to pictorially convey what you feel into a piece of art, be it a painting or sculpture. A personal point of view presents a reader with another angle to look at and appreciate works of art. Your expertise on the subject would make a lot of difference in bringing out the finer aspects.
To complete an art coursework successfully, you need to be sure the draft of your essay has been assessed. Use feedback you receive to improve the essay. It has to be narrative as well as analytical in nature. In class you would be taught how to write a critical essay on art. Pay attention and follow up on the strategies taught to you. Apply the principles of organizing content in an arts essay.
While attempting to review works of art, learn to focus on art essay topics and develop themes for your essay. Once you have a picture in your mind about the content to analyze, select the right text to express yourself. Be liberal in citing other sources for additional viewpoints. For example, in design essays, you would cite several sites that offer different approaches related to developing the design. It might not be conclusive, but different viewpoints would help in understanding the design better.
The evaluation criteria you use should be universal. The methods and common elements would have been explained to you in class. Use your class notes to establish the right approach you find comfortable to use in the arts essay. It is your personal point of view, so it is important that you establish your own review style either for someone else’s or your own painting.
A simple way to look at works of art is to review various topics on it. For example, you would consider a review based on the type of paints used, colors, distinguishing factors like portrait or landscape, etc. A viewpoint using parameters like these become easier to understand and appreciate. You might have your own unique way of reviewing art. If it is understood easily, then do not attempt to change your style.
An arts essay outline should have pictures or graphics to supplement the write-up. The essay itself has to be pleasing to the eye by using the right font type, color, background, and an artistic template that implements graphics to be blended artistically with text. If the essay is not pleasing, readers who arrived at the essay with the hope of getting a complete and graphic review would be disappointed.
Finally, as you would spend hours creating a painting or sculpture, spend enough time formatting, proof reading, and improving the presentation of your arts essay. It would not take as long as creating works of art, but readers would appreciate a well-presented, concise, and detailed review or explanation of what you have to offer.