Writing about chemical reactions and equations in a chemistry essay is not an easy task, if you do not have the required knowledge to do so. Chemistry is a vast field which covers inorganic and organic experiments and processes that are complex in nature. The essence of writing any essay is to have sound basic knowledge about the topic. The same principle applies to chemistry. The methods might differ a bit on account of presenting chemical processes and equations, but the logic applied and essay writing steps will remain the same.
The study of chemistry like all other subjects requires that a student participate actively in gathering knowledge and retaining it. Written assignments help in establishing a continuous link with theory. Chemistry coursework is useful as it involves a detailed study of a topic. If time is on your side, the entire process of completing the coursework can extend to several months, which in turn keeps you updated with the concepts involved. You would need to take down notes during practical sessions in a laboratory. This would help not only in presenting you with content for your essay but also offer you insight on how to choose the right topics.
If you were to attempt a food technology coursework, you would learn practical aspects of chemistry related to food production, service and packaging. This is useful information that would introduce you to the fact that career-oriented practical courses like food technology finds application in hotels, packaging and food industries. The chemistry essay you would attempt to write could be part of the coursework, which could form around 60% of your final GCSE grade.
Consider writing a global warming essay. Solar radiation provides the energy needed for global circulation of oceans and the atmosphere. More importantly, it ensures that the temperature of the earth remains stable. Off late, we hear so much of the global warming phenomenon. The principle is simple. For the temperature to remain stable, the amount of radiation absorbed by the atmosphere should be the same. The source of the problem is more evident in the equatorial regions, where photochemical destruction of ozone takes place influenced by low concentrations of nitrogen oxides. An interesting topic you could pursue would be to study and interpret how scientists are able to model the oceanic uptake of active hydrocarbons, which are strong infrared absorbers.
When performing experiments in the laboratory, you would have written a process analysis essay. The methods used remain the same. There is an important factor you would have to consider. Your curriculum would specify that you attempt self-testing questions during the duration of the study program. This gives you the opportunity to develop knowledge about a process. If you have been practicing writing essays, the style of writing adapted can in turn be used with chemistry essays. The purpose of the essay should be to convey a textual representation of a chemical process. Using simple and concise language will help you establish connection with readers. What should also motivate you is that the essay could help you get good grades in your final exam.