Some Useful Psychology Coursework Ideas
Students are always on the lookout for good psychology coursework ideas. It is evident that fresh ideas resulting in a topic not discussed earlier is going to have a major impact on the level of interest students have for the project. For A-level psychology coursework, ideas can be picked up from topics covered in the study program. However, one must be prepared to venture into areas that require going beyond the original study. Ideas can be derived from events occurring in real life situations. They can be extended to cover areas that need advanced research techniques. Students come across many ideas, which they tend to be unsure of after initial research has been conducted. Support evidence is not substantial enough to help in completing good coursework. Unlike GCSE English coursework where an opinion can be formed on a piece of literature, psychology coursework ideas have to be followed up with standard research methods based on solid and established principles.
Great Ideas For A Psychology Study
1. Write A Brief Note On The Various Approaches To Psychology And The Pioneers Who Developed Them: Such a basic study would help students keep in touch with the subject throughout the year. Behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic, or cognitive patterns can be studied using the same approach adapted by the pioneers. For example, the behaviorist approach was established in different ways by Ivan Pavlov, J.B. Watson, and B.F. Skinner. They conducted studies for several years almost at the same time. Students could study the different principles that were established and work of the psychologists in more detail.
2. Does Frequent Use Of Marijuana Result In Long Term Memory Loss: Neuropsychologists say it is normal to forget as time passes. It is harder to remember details of events that have taken place much earlier. An experiment on the use of marijuana results in short term memory loss. Extended use of marijuana would lead to memory loss during the period marijuana was consumed as a habit. Once it is out of the system, people tend to regain their memory powers. The effects of long term marijuana abuse are often mistaken as symptoms of long term memory loss.
3. Organization And Memory – Multi-Store Model Of Memory: A hypothesis for statistics coursework or even simple experiments can be designed around the multi-store model established by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin. The model proposes that humans tend to remember selectively. What is perceived by the different senses of hearing, seeing, smelling or feeling goes into short-term memory. There are many types of long-term memory events. Repeated occurrence of events and surprising incidents go into long-term memory and can be recalled or recognized. Consider a simple exercise. Participants can be given words to remember. Half of them are given a blank piece of paper to write down what they remember. The other half are provided papers with categories under which the words fit. Results should determine which group could remember more. It would certainly help design business studies coursework based on more complex systems.
Many other psychology coursework ideas can be thought of through past experiences.