Techniques Used To Write My Essay
When I begin to write my essay, I focus on compiling content that is useful and interesting to a wide audience. Essay writing can be a very rewarding exercise, especially when positive comments start pouring in from readers. It builds up confidence and presents opportunities to improve in the areas pointed out by readers. At the same time, poor response can be very discouraging to those who are just beginning to write essays on new topics. The solution to such a problem is to simply follow age-old standards and methods that always work in academic writing. Methods may change based on the style of writing to be implemented as per school or college guidelines. The focus, however, should always be on presenting content in a standard and concise manner. Here is how I write my essay.
1. Begin by conducting an initial research on the topic. The idea should always be to present unique content that readers have not come across earlier. It would be the primary factor that would generate interest. If a topic is assigned, students do not have much of a choice. If they are offered a general topic, a sub topic can be chosen. Care should be taken to ensure enough research content is available on the sub topic.
2. Prepare an essay writing format consisting of the introduction, the body with required number of paragraphs depending on the length of the essay, and a conclusion that is supposed to make readers agree with a point of view or take some action based on what was compiled earlier. A conclusion can be attempted after a rough draft has been prepared. The introduction, however, is the most important part of the essay as it contains the essay statement.
3. Readers first come across the essay statement and decide if they would like to read further. It is easy to realize how important it is to compile the statement in a way that would generate instant interest. It does not always have to make total sense at that stage. In fact, it can be a bit controversial and still attract more readers. Students would do well to practice the art of basic copywriting, even though it may not always help in academics.
4. Presenting information which is pleasing to the eye is an important exercise. Compulsions may restrict the essay to only text, but I would include pictures or maybe a video to generate interest. It can be done online using simple essay writing techniques, within a word processor or using a database management system. Basically, software takes care of the difficult part. Students have to just copy-paste what they want into the specified area.
5. Developing a style of writing is the most important lesson I learned when I first began to write my essays. It is the one lesson students cannot be taught in school or college unless they choose to copy another writer’s style. In the long run, however, essay writing becomes an exercise in finding the right content. An expert writer writes freely with the idea of saving time. It comes with practice but is the most valuable tool in the hands of students, both for short term and long term benefits.